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Multilevel electronic textbook in chemistry

Electronic textbook is a new form of scientific knowledge, concentration, and adoption of the development methods and devices for everyday use.

The main difference of the electronic textbook from the ordinary one is a display orienting two-dimensional hierarchical structure of the material’ arrangement.  The material is based on the interrelated structure of special programs, which allow the performance of specific operations on the very molecular subject for study as for scientific research itself.  Two-dimensional hierarchical structure implicate the possibility of rapid familiarization with the main concept of the science range, trends and methods of investigations (horizontal motion), so as to study in-depth every market item up to the possibility of using one or another procedure for studying very complicated objects (vertical motion).  Just for this purpose, the textbook includes a complex program, ensuring interconnected solution of a large number of concrete problems for complex objects.

To bring into being electronic textbooks of such a kind is to break new ground, which is very challenging.  There are no analogs in the world.

The suggested electronic textbook takes in the fields of molecular modeling based on quantum-mechanical approach, allowing performing quantitative calculations of the geometrical structure of complex molecules and polymers, studying of chemical bond characteristics, predicting spectrum form at different ranges, and experiments (including time-resolution experiments) determining the optimal ways for monomolecular and bimolecular photochemical and thermal reactions, etc. 

The team of project authors consists of well-known scientists.  For many years they developed the general theory of molecular spectrums and quantum chemistry.  The received results were generalized in a large number of monographs.  The developed methods and techniques are realized in complex programs, such as “Spectrum-Structure”, which are widely distributed in Russia .  All of the principles are faculty members with multiyear experience in teaching such general subjects as special subjects.  Some of them are text writers. So, the textbook is a collaborative effort by a group of Russian professors and scientists under the supervision of Dr. Lev A. Gribov, a well-known scientist in Molecular Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry, Deputy Director of V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Science.

Electronic textbooks on such an important and upswing problem as “Molecular Modeling” may have profitable marketing outlets such as: colleges, schools and institutions of different trends, and scientific labs (physical, chemical, biological, etc.)

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